Ok, I know they're completely pointless on a baby this young–but I LOVE baby shoes! I think they are so cute on babies. Mikey tolerates them, but they usually end up falling off soon after I've put them on him. He has a few pair (all size 2), and he's just recently grown into them. I was so excited to be able to put them on him!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Day 31: Dinner with baby
We've started putting Mikey in his high chair during dinner time. He doesn't eat with us yet, but he loves his toys on the tray! He still leans over a little sometimes, so I have to sit him up straight again, but I love having him at the table with us. Dinnertime will be a little harder (or at least slower) once he's actually eating with us, but for now it's fun to watch him play while we eat!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Day 30: Cute lil baby feet
Mikey's new obsession today was his feet. Many times today while he was playing on the floor (or watching TV, like he is in the picture) and while he sat on my lap, he was grabbing his feet. A couple times while he was sitting, he even leaned forward as though he wanted to put his little toes in his mouth...where everything else seems to go! :)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Day 29: My poor sick baby
Mikey has been sick for a few weeks now. He got a cold a few weeks ago, and just when he was finally over it, he got another one. Poor baby! I took him to the pediatrician for her to check him out and make sure he was ok since he's now been sick for so long. She said he was doing well, so that's really good news! He even gave her some smiles and giggles, so he must not have been feeling as bad as he sounded! He was really stuffy last night, and today he was still pretty stuffy and coughing. He slept quite a bit. Hopefully he'll continue getting his rest so he will be better soon!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Day 28: getting even stronger!
Today I decided to let Mikey have his tummy time on a blanket surrounded by some toys. My original plan was to get him to roll over again, but he didn't seem too interested in doing that. Instead he began reaching for his toys and trying to get to them, which is improvement from what he usually does during tummy time (just laying there sucking on his fist). I'm excited to see him developing even more and becoming so much more active with his toys. He is more and more fun every day!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Day 27: Couch Potatoes
Mikey is already a typical boy–fascinated by the TV! He seems to especially like baseball, which Chris likes, but for me is sooooo boring. It's nice right now to be able to distract him when he's getting fussy, though. I got a picture of my boys being boys today after Chris got off of work, watching TV together. I can't wait til it gets warmer outside so we can have a little more fun!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Day 26: Mikey's 1st Easter
Today was Mikey's first Easter! His Grandma and Grandpa Geerken came over today to spend his first Easter with him. We went to church in the morning, then went back to our house for our Easter dinner. We had a lot of fun today!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Day 25: Yum Yum!
Mikey has been putting absolutely EVERYTHING in his mouth that he can! It's funny, but I've definitely been trying to be more careful of what's around him, since he can now reach and grab things. Today Mikey rolled over from his tummy to his back, which he did a few weeks ago, but only once. So he is now rolling over both ways! He's getting to be such a big boy!
Here he is gnawing on a toy from his Grandma McLain!
Here he is gnawing on a toy from his Grandma McLain!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Day 24: Good Friday
We went to a Good Friday service at church tonight. It was one of the few firsts for Mikey where I actually got to experience a first for myself as well. I have never been to a Good Friday service before, and I really enjoyed it! This is the first year that I have truly appreciated what Jesus did for us, and I feel that having my own son can make me appreciate it even more. To know that God loves us so much that He sent us His son to die for us just amazes me. I am so thankful for the sacrifice that allowed us to be forgiven and have a relationship with our Father!
This was Mikey dressed for church tonight for his first Good Friday service ever! I thought he looked pretty cute! :)
This was Mikey dressed for church tonight for his first Good Friday service ever! I thought he looked pretty cute! :)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Day 23: Bath today!
I gave Mikey a bath today, and I was thinking back on how he used to absolutely hate his baths. It's so different now! He doesn't necessarily love bathtime now, but he isn't screaming the whole time either. He just sits there quietly and lets me clean him, and kicks his legs a lot. I tried to get him interested in his rubber ducky today, but he just stared at it while it sat on his chest. I'm hoping once he can sit on his own, he can have a little more fun in the bath, and actually play with his toys!
This is his first bath:
So different now:
No more crying! :)
This is his first bath:
So different now:
No more crying! :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Day 22: My strong lil boy!
Mikey has really been strengthening his muscles lately! He constantly wants to "stand" and loves his Bounce-a-Bout toy that allows him to do that. We spent quite a while today playing with that! He has wanted to play a lot today. I would let him play a little on his own, but there were many times that he fussed until I came over to talk to him or hold him. Earlier, he was in his swing playing with his giraffe toy and I saw him trying to lean forward. I'm not sure if he just wanted to sit up more, or if he was trying to get the giraffe in his mouth, since he was leaning forward to where the giraffe was (and he's been putting absolutely everything in his mouth!). It's neat to see how strong he is becoming!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Day 21: Rolling over!
Mikey rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time yesterday! Now it seems like that's all he wants to do when he's on the floor, even though he doesn't really like being on his tummy for very long. It's as though he learned this new trick and just wants to keep doing it over and over! He gets stuck on his side sometimes, but I think he's figuring it out a little better today. He rolled over from his tummy to his back a few weeks ago, but he has yet to do it again. It's interesting to me that he's never tried it again, but he keeps rolling from his back to his tummy. Here are some pics I took today while he was doing it!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Days 19-20: New toy!
Yesterday was sooo busy, so I wasn't able to get a picture up for that day. We went to church in the morning, then visited with some great friends of ours from church, and finally went to a basketball game that night, where Chris plays in a league.
We got a new toy for Mikey, called a Bounce-a-Bout. Mikey is still a little small to fit in it very well, but I just stay by him while he's in it and place a pillow under his feet so he can reach to push off of the bottom. His new favorite thing is to "stand," so this toy will allow him to do it with toys all around him! He seems to really like it, but I think some of the toys scared him at first! This morning while he was playing in it, he started smiling at the frog toy in front of him. I didn't catch it on camera, but it was really cute and funny!
We got a new toy for Mikey, called a Bounce-a-Bout. Mikey is still a little small to fit in it very well, but I just stay by him while he's in it and place a pillow under his feet so he can reach to push off of the bottom. His new favorite thing is to "stand," so this toy will allow him to do it with toys all around him! He seems to really like it, but I think some of the toys scared him at first! This morning while he was playing in it, he started smiling at the frog toy in front of him. I didn't catch it on camera, but it was really cute and funny!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Day 18: Sleeping on a rainy day
Today was the first Pacers playoff game that Mikey ever got to watch. Luckily, he's too young to care, because the end of the game was pretty frustrating. Mikey has been sleeping so much today! Maybe it's the rain making him so sleepy...it definitely makes me tired. Or it could be his body still recovering from his cold, which he had the past couple of days. Fortunately he seems to be doing much better! He has really started to get sensitive to the light, and gets frustrated with it when he's trying to fall asleep. He finally just covered his eyes for himself to take a nap. I think it's about time to get some dark curtains up in his room for naptime!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Day 17: Pacers Baby!
Mikey was sporting his blue and gold today for the Indiana Pacers! They are finally in the playoffs for the first time in 5 years. Their first playoff game is tomorrow and Mikey will be helping us cheer them on! He has already been to 2 Pacers games in his first 3 months of life and someday I hope we will be able to take him to a Pacers playoff game. For now, however, we'll be watching it on TV! Go Pacers!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Day 16: Reach!
Mikey is now reaching for his toys on his swing...and often, he is grabbing the caterpillar toy and pulling it down! He is also starting to grab for the toys above him in his bouncer. I feel like I really need to be careful now what I put around him!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Day 15: Mommy & Mikey
I realized that I don't really have a lot of pictures of me with Mikey, so I wanted to get one today! I just realized how big he is getting! It's amazing how fast he is growing, and I know a few months from now, I'll look back on the pictures from today and think how small he was. It's such an amazing experience to watch a baby grow and develop, and I'm so happy that God gave me this baby boy to experience this.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Day 14: Super Mikey!
We play this game with Mikey that I call "Super Mikey." I'm sure every parent plays their own version of this with their baby...you hold him above your head and have him look down at you, all the while giving him goofy grins and saying silly things like "Super Mikey!" and "you're flying!!" Haha. Mikey LOVES this game! He smiles really big and sometimes we can even get some laughs out of him!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day 13: The boys
Today was the last day that Jacob would be here to visit. We had a lot of fun today, and he had so much fun pretending to be a baby. He decided he wanted to have a paci like Mikey and is he always wants to be around the baby. Chris loves to hang out with Jacob, and I know when Mikey gets older, the three of them will have so much fun together! Mikey is so loved by his cousin!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Day 12: A quiet moment with Aunt Jessie
My sister and nephew are staying with us for a couple days, and we are having so much fun together! Tonight Aunt Jessie put Mikey to bed. They looked so sweet and Jessie had the opportunity to bond a little closer with Mikey. She is such a great aunt to him!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Day 11: Cousin Love!
Today Mikey and I went to Fort Wayne to visit with the family. While we were there, we took some pictures with Mikey's cousin, Jacob. Jacob loves Mikey sooo much! He is so sweet to Mikey and loves to give him kisses!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Day 10: Hush Little Baby
I love the way Mikey sleeps. He has never liked to have his arms down by his sides. When he was first born, and I tried to swaddle him, he somehow always managed to get his arms out. I quickly gave up on putting his arms in the swaddle, so I would just swaddle his lower half. Now he uses a sleep sack, and still puts his arms up by his head... and sleeps so well at night! I am so blessed to have such an easy baby!
Tonight while I was getting him ready for bed, he kept laughing at me; REALLY laughing, not just the "trying it out" laugh. It is the most adorable sound! I'm hoping to get it on video soon!! It was so nice to have that little moment before I put him down for the night.
Tonight while I was getting him ready for bed, he kept laughing at me; REALLY laughing, not just the "trying it out" laugh. It is the most adorable sound! I'm hoping to get it on video soon!! It was so nice to have that little moment before I put him down for the night.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Day 9: 3 month old cutie!
Mikey turned 3 months old on March 4, so I decided to take some photos today of him so I could capture his cuteness at his age. Time is flying by, and I'm enjoying every minute of mommyhood. I know I'll miss how little he is once he is bigger, but I can't help but feel excited about him getting bigger and reaching new milestones! This is one my favorites from today:
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 8: Daddy's boy
Today Mikey was being kind of fussy after we played for awhile, so I figured he was just getting tired. I tried to bounce him a little and he was staying calm while I did that. I had to eat so I gave Mikey to Chris to hold...as soon as Chris got him, Mikey smiled soooo big for him! I had thought he might end up being a momma's boy, but apparently not! He loves his daddy so much!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day 7: Easywater boys
I made Mikey an Easywater shirt to represent his daddy's company that he works for. He looks so cute in it! We met with Chris today to eat lunch with him during his lunch break, so he wore it for his daddy then. I can't wait til it gets a little warmer so we can do more things outside of the house!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Day 6: Visiting Aunt Katie!
Today Mikey and I went to visit my best friend, Katie. We had a lot of fun visiting and taking pictures of Mikey! She has 2 dogs that are huge, and were very curious about Mikey. Luckily, Mikey didn't seem to be too scared of them, but his eyes did get very wide when they first began sniffing him!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Day 5: Fascinated
This morning Mikey became fascinated by the letters on Chris's shirt. He kept trying to grab them as though he would be able to pick them up right off of the shirt! He's becoming so much more aware of the fact that he can pick things up on his own. He even grabbed a sock today on his own and started trying to put it in his mouth!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Day 4: Sleepy boy
Today Mikey slept a lot...and I actually took a little nap myself! He's been very chill today, just laying around with his paci and blankie, which he was holding on tightly to for a little while. He's been very snuggly today, so I'm just enjoying the snuggle time with him!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Day 3: Daddy's home!
Every day that Chris comes home from work, he goes to Mikey to say hi to him, and every time, he gets a big smile from Mikey! It's so cute to see how happy Mikey gets seeing his daddy.
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